Worship at
St Giles’
St Giles’ is a Church of Scotland congregation and worships according to the Presbyterian tradition. We welcome people of all faiths and none to enjoy the peace of the building and participate in our services. We are open for worship and hold two services on Sunday mornings: Holy Communion at 9.30am and Morning Worship at 11am. The Cathedral Choir sings at both the 9.30 and 11am services. Information on forthcoming services can be found here.
While the wearing of face coverings indoors is no longer mandatory, we ask all attendees at our services to be mindful that some of our congregation and visitors prefer to continue to wear a mask.
Each Sunday evening at 6pm there is a concert which is free to enter, after which there is a retiring collection. The coming weeks’ concerts are detailed on St Giles’ Eventbrite page, where it is possible to reserve a seat.
For visitors during the week who wish to take a few minutes in quiet reflection, our ministers hold a short service at 12:00 each day, with prayers and a reading from Scripture. Although the Cathedral remains open to tourists at these times, we ask for quiet for the duration of the service, and that visitors refrain from taking photographs of the act of worship.
Sunday Services
09.30 Morning Service – Choir, Sermon, Holy Communion
11.00 Morning Service – Choir, Sermon
(Remembrance Sunday 11:30)
18.00 St Giles’ at Six – Programme of Music
Midweek (Mon - Fri)
12:00 - 12:15 - Midday service
St Giles’ and Canongate
19:00 - On the last Sunday of the month there is a joint evening service between St Giles’ and Canongate Kirk. The service is held at the Canongate Kirk, and includes music from a quartet of singers from the St Giles’ choir.
For the latest intimations and congregational news, please visit the Intimations.
Information on joining us online can be found here.